[Drabble] Efficiency and stumble Title: Efficiency Fandom: Hetalia
Claim: Ludwig (Germany), Feliciano Vargas (Northern Italy).
Rating: K (+)
Words: 479 Warning (s): AU (very) slight mention of shonen-ai.
Summary: German efficiency to the order of the day, yes sir.
Notes: no relation to world history.
A warm coat seized decembrinas panorama of the city at sundown. The lack of light was becoming increasingly apparent, that while many points of light began to flash in various shades and colors. Other points, but in the sky, lit, and a star exchanged places with the other, imposing his dark cloak and giving way to night. The fríay lovely Christmas Eve.
- Lud, Lud!, Look. That beautiful, go ~
Eighth stop and counting. The young Italian had stopped abruptly when he saw a store Christmas decorations. He approached the glass, admiring all that amazed risueñoy combination of colors and shapes. I could not help playing with his fingertips while the glass longed everything he had before his eyes so desperately.
German sighed once more before pulling gently on the coat collar of his partner.
"Now, that Kiku is waiting," he told the away (detach) the glass.
The chestnut seemed to think for a moment, then returned to his bewildered expression as ever, and answer:
- Okay!
was always the same, any thing seemed completely distracting and behold deteníaa excited. Within five minutes volveríaa it.
And he was right about it. Was now fully into the whole troop of toy soldiers in a toy that was able to see a few blocks later.
But of course, for him everything was premeditated. I knew something like this happen, so he devoted himself recent weeks to draw up a detailed plan in order to avoid any hint of delay arose. Kiku was a pretty formal, neat and punctual, so that he, as strict and organized as it was, would avoid any error or stupidity that provoked the Italian neglected.
The plan would start with the early exit for two hours at the house of Feliciano, who was sleeping at that time. A good anti-sueñoo pattern should be enough to wake two successful, if not had eaten before. Then there was the leak of Lovino , thanks to the factor (English) surprise was provided with many things and made it out, but not before hearing an older twin threat.
From there I had to do was watch the brown. According to his calculations, the boy would lose at least once, pararíaa eat about three and be distracted with anything five times.
In rare occasions, feared Feliciano know so well, and indicated that he had spent much time with him. It was simply terrifying ...
And as we had planned from the beginning, he left over 28 minutes and the house of the Japanese was just about five blocks as ma , maximum.
German Efficiency
the order of the day, yes sir
Title: Slip Fandom: Hetalia
Claim: Ludwig (Germany ) / Feliciano Vargas (Northern Italy), Kiku Honda (Japan).
Rating: K (+)
Words: 599 Warning (s): AU, friendship, mention of shonen-ai.
Summary: course, could not miss the Christmas trip.
Notes: Resumed previous Drabble.
- Merry Christmas, "the boy greeted warmly, hugging the Japanese.
"Hey ... Feliciano-kun ..." the aforementioned was very nervous (and uncomfortable) for the display of affection, which the German could see openly.
"Yeah, let it breathe a little. Goodnight Kiku-blonde politely greeted.
"Good night, Ludwig-san bowed slightly to the greeting.
After the reception, the dark-haired young man invited them into your home, leading to the main hall, where they exhibited various dishes and sweet snacks Japanese at a table, accompanied by some tea.
Once gathered at the small table, there was silence for a few moments. Moments that were cut by the thunderous voice of a very cheerful Feliciano and invaded by the heat of the dates, which started out talking to two young introverts. The night unfolded with smooth quiet, including brief comments from German, the serenity of Asian and Italian mouth of a glutton, who used to enjoy snacks every so often.
Of course, I could not miss the Christmas trip.
"I told you that the tray was too far away to those achieved with brazos." he scolded the blonde with one hand on his face.
-P ... "But I wanted some ... meso, meso, meso ~ stammered between whining brown.
"I'll go for the kit. With permiso. Kiku said retired gracefully from the room.
The biggest snorted heavily before offering his hand to help you get up Italian.
"Come here," said the boy, who was crying nonstop.
The child ignored him and walked to where he was. Began to analyze the small wound that had formed on his chin before the coup. I really could not understand how Feliciano crying about it. She sighed again, now came the hard part: to be quiet and stop mourn a good time.
He had never been good for this sort of thing, but at least try. Several options appear in your head, but one in particular caught his attention. Gently patted on his head what caused the boy cut abruptly lifted her crying her eyes wet with tears, and now curious.
Yes, had stopped her crying, but now she felt really uncomfortable.
coughed loudly, and then carefully choose his next words:
"When my dog is restless, I usually do this to calm down a bit ... "he said, feeling a slight burning in his pale cheeks.
"Oh ..." muttered been momentarily, then ask, "Do you have a dog, how is it called?
- Dreizen is a doberman.
"Oh, it's a good name for a dog like Lud, go ~, and smiled.
and stuck around to talk about animals and their names. Definitely someone like Feliciano entenderíaa never Vargas.
Minutes after the Japanese came back with the kit in hand. Brown kindly asked to come over to place a band in the affected area.
- How do you feel, Feliciano-kun?
-Hera, Hera Hera hera ~ mumbled incomprehensibly "Very well, thank you!
"You're welcome. For that they are friends, and smiled serene.
repeated-Friends ... more to himself "Yes, yes! We're all friends, "exclaimed suddenly, as he caught two boys in a group bear hug. I was so happy.
Ludwig seemed to seek a response to displays of affection given by the Italian in the eyes of his fellow Asian, but found only a negligible smile on his lips, accompanied by a slight nod.
Fröhliche Weihnachten ...
corresponded sighed again while awkwardly hug the boy, while listening to what I looked like an be fireworks outside the mansion.
This was the beginning of a long, long way to go would play them together, he thought.
* Dreizen = Thirteen German. (Someday I'll put a dog *-*)
* Weihnachten Fröhliche = Merry Christmas, as my translator reliable. (Not a joke to use the Google for German)
Hetalia and its characters are not mine, are Hidekazu Himaruya . Christmas drabbles facts as Secret Santas gift for a forum in which I'm-w-
(now I can officially say that my Christmas are over, A;)