I should be estudaindo and preparing to go to work , doing other things, but I have to do this. I notice myself of this page (duh) , which collects the best fanfic (voted by fans) and media art (nausea, vids and photoshop) , Stargate Atlantis series. That if, slash
theme (if the term is unknown and desduzcase Observe top icon) .
(But it appears, the first image of the page will direct sticking) Aunn I could not read the fics, but I have seen the videos. I was fascinated by the special way called "The tree". Discharged into two parts but are united by themselves (that is cool). The song used is frencesa but the point is translated into English and inserted into the video, which is produced in a very artistic, work sequences of images rather than video, but not worth being the series we know of or interested in, just for the beautiful work it is. I have yet to see "Written by the victorious", but if I read the fic , a couple of weeks, and it's great, a long novel, and very dramatic. Do not think they have to make a video images that reflect the whole story, so that gives me very curious, and some apprehension in case it is a disappointment.